Will of William Rabon

This is the will of William Rabon, Jr.  1788-1854

Children: (listed in his will)
George H. Rabon 1820-
Isaiah Rabon 1821-1914 (CSA Vet)
Wm. Rabon III 1823-unknown death
Mary E. Ann Rabon Jones 1832-unknown death
Daniel H. Rabon 1834-1904 (CSA Vet.)
Jeremiah Rabon 1837-1864 (KIA in Civil War)
David Rabon 1839-1912 (CSA Vet.)

A War of 1812 Veteran, William Rabon served as Private in Capt. Alston's & Gasque's 3rd Regiment, SC Militia, War of 1812. He was most likely given bounty land for his service & some of which is listed in his will of 1854.

South Carolina

Horry District
In the name of God amen

I William Rabon beng of perfect mind memory and understanding do make this my Last Will and Testament, in the maner and form following-first I recommend my Soul to Almighty God who gave it and my body to be burried in a christian like maner-and touching such worldly goods as it hath pleased God to bless me with I dispose of in the following maner to Wit-

Item 1  I desire that all my just debts be speedly and punctially paid.

Item 2  I give and bequeath to my son George H. Rabon on tract of land where he now lives containing on hundred thirteen acres, one horse named Pompy. Bridle and sadle, two cows and calves, two sows and pigs, one bead and fruniture, which property has already been delivered.

Item 3   I give and bequeath unto my son Isiah Rabon two hundred acres of land known as the Able Field tract. One horse named Maximus, bridle and sadle. Two cows with calves, twenty head of hogs, one bead and furniture, which property has already been delivered.

Item 4  I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Ann Jones, wife of Jefferson Jones, two cows with calves, one dry cow, one bead and furniture, which property has already been delivered.

Item 5  I give and bequeath to my son Daniel H. Rabon, three hundred acres of land as a deed made to him wil describe, seven head of hogs which property has already been delivered.

Item 6  I give and bequeath unto my son Jeramiah Rabon, two hundred and seventy acres of land adjoining Pettiway Cartret land as a deed made to him will more full describe.

Item 7  I give and bequeath unto my son David Rabon , the plantation where I now live, containing two hundred acres more or less.

Item 8  Lend unto my daughter in law, Olif Rabon, widow of my beloved son William H. Rabon, late of Horry Dist. deceased, one tract of land where he formily lived containing one hundred and twenty-five acres. It being part of the Benja Moore tract adjoining land of John Squires. Ten head of stock cattle, thirteen head of hogs and one sow and pigs and at her death or marriage I give the same to her child which she may have by said son Wm H Rabon. But if she should die and leave no heirs by my said son the said land and stock of cattle and hogs to return to my surviving children share and share a like.

Item 9  I lend unto my beloved wife Mary Rabon during her natural life time the plantation where I now live and at her death to be delivered up to my son David Rabon also I lend unto my said wife all of my house hold and kitchen furniture all my plantation tools of all descriptaion all of my stock horses cattle hogs and sheep one hand mill one set of black smith tools and one cart and --- and at her death then to be equally divided between my three youngest sons Vis. Daniel, Jeriamiah, and David Rabon. Share and share a like but if either Daniel, Jeriamiah or David should die leaving no lawful issue the the above property to be divided between the surviving two. It is also my will and desire that Aunt Mary Hux do live with my wife Mary Rabon during her life time and that she be supported out of the above mentioned property and if she should survive my said wife Mary Rabon then it is my will that sons Vis. Daniel, Jerimiah and David so support her the remainder part of her life time.

Item 10  I do nominate constitute and appoint my son George H Rabon and WI Graham executors to 
the my Last Will and Testament hereby revoking all other will made by me in witness where of I have here unto my hand and seal this the the fifteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Three and in the Seventy Eighth year of American Independence.

William X Rabon  (seal)

Signed Seald published
pronounced and declared
in the presents of--
John W, Hux
F.W. Mishoe
Jesse Godbold

Recorded in Will Book C. page 36
recorded August 22nd, 1854
James Beaty Ordy. H.D.


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